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Field Training

Field Training

One of the staples of AFROTC is Field Training, a 2-week long mandatory training and evaluation that all cadets are required to attend during their time in AFROTC. Usually taking place during the summer in between cadets' sophomore and junior years, Field Training is a "Boot-Camp" style experience that is meant to both mimic Air Force Basic Training as well as serve as an evaluation of a cadet's knowledge of the Air Force and Space Force curriculum thus far. While challenging, Field Training is a rite of passage in the pathway to becoming an officer.

While at Field Training, cadets will have the opportunity to develop themselves by learning about many other Air Force related skills, such as the proper handling of a handgun during the Combat Arms course; the use of a compass, map, and military protractor during land navigation training; as well as the many particular aspects of small unit tactics and their importance. Additionally, cadets will be expected to show their knowledge and ability to demonstrate the skills they have learned at their detachment in the 2 years leading up to their experience. These skills include subjects such as drill and ceremony and warrior knowledge.

After the completion of field training, cadets are officially upgraded to the POC (Professional Officer Course) and will sign a service commitment shortly thereafter. After entering the Professional Officer Course, cadets will become upperclassmen within the AFROTC program and become responsible for the training and evaluation of GMC (General Military Course) cadets in order to further develop their leadership skills in preparation for commissioning as an officer in the United States Air Force or Space Force.